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Solaria and Alpiq enter into long-term PPA

On 16 December 2019, Solaria and Alpiq concluded a physical long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for the output of a portfolio of photovoltaic plants for a combined portfolio of 3 plants with a joint installed capacity of up to 105 MW.

The Spanish solar plants are located in Castilla y León and Castilla La Mancha and will produce energy for an equivalent supply of around 60,000 households with renewable energy.

“Alpiq is strongly committed to the Spanish market for almost 10 years and we have a vocation for growth in Spain, where we remain very close to renewable producers and cogeneration plants offering tailor-made solutions to optimise their revenues and help them manage their risks, and on competitive gas and power supply. This is a very relevant transaction for Alpiq in Spain and we expect that we will be able to expand the collaboration with Solaria in the future in Spain and in other European countries”, says Guillermo Negro, Country Manager of Alpiq in Spain.