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Environment at Csepel

At international companies it is particularly important to keep in mind the safety of those living in the neighbourhood of their operations. In line with EU norms, Alpiq Csepel Business aims at establishing environmental safety with the highest possible awareness as environmental protection received utmost priority already in the design and construction stages of Csepel II Plant.

Safety of supply and energy production with environmental awareness

In addition to power generation, Alpiq Csepel Business supplies heat to about 20 000 homes in Csepel and Pesterzsébet. In order to provide a safe and continuous supply to the households, the power plant makes preparations for the heating season each summer to make sure that sufficient capacities are available under even extreme circumstances. Hot water boilers and systems involved in district heating are tested and adjusted. Water Intake Plant inlet ducts are cleaned so that they would not get congested in times of ice breaking up in winter. In addition, electrical radiators used in the Heat Recovery Steam Generators in winter are continuously taken into operation to protect the plant items from freezing in winter days.

In addition to safe, efficient and continuous availability, Csepel II Plant also gives high priority to environmental protection. Among conventional power plants, combined-cycle gas turbine power stations are considered the most modern and most efficient energy production facilities. Csepel II Station, operated by Alpiq Csepel Business, is one such plant, and since the start of operation it has continuously demonstrated high commitment towards environmental protection. The Environmental Management System (EMS) was introduced towards that goal, and as part of that activity, positive and negative environmental factors created by the activities have been assessed together with their impacts. Csepel II Plant has been certified under the ISO 14001 international standard by an independent accreditation organisation since 2002.

Each year the Group sets up new targets to further reduce or eliminate the impact of adverse environmental factors

In order to protect the atmosphere, the power plant applies a technology which is capable of controlling the levels of air pollutants emitted and keeping them within the limits. Steam is directly injected into the combustion space of gas turbines which reduces the volume of harmful nitrogen-oxides by 70%. Due to the proper selection of technology and fuels, carbon-monoxide and sulphur-dioxide emission levels are very low, remaining by orders of magnitude under the authority limits which also meet EU norms. No breach of authority emission limits has occurred since the start of operation.

Air pollutant levels are shown to Csepel residents by a display set up at the main square of Csepel with financial support from the Group

In the power station, steam leaving the steam turbine is cooled down using Danube water. Each day about 600 thousand m3 of screened river water is used in cooling. Water pollution is minimised by mechanically cleaning and screening the water and also by treating and neutralising all technology waters whilst temperature raise is monitored. Continuous measurements control the temperature and pH-level of water extracted and discharged.

The power station appointed the Environmental Management Institute in 2003 to measure environmental noise emitted by the site and prepare a noise map. Noise emission was 67 dBA 10 m from the site fence at the height of 2 m. A noise meter was purchased to measure noise levels. Noise generated by the plant is examined every quarter. Based on the measurements, site noise level has never exceeded the recommended limit.

The independent waste storage facility of the power station was completed in 2004, and it meets every requirement. It is capable of storing community and hazardous wastes, hazardous materials as well as selectively collected non-hazardous wastes.

The Group finished the full refurbishment of the hot water circulation pump house in November 2006, and the overall electrical and control & instrumentation renewal of the so-called PTVM Boilers is still under way. In addition, at the Water Intake Plant, wash water to the band screens is preheated by hot water.

Environmental protection and support to the life of Csepel residents, the closer environment of the Group remain priority issues for Alpiq Csepel Business in the future. Since the start of operation, each year the Group has prepared and sent to stakeholders its Environmental Report with detailed description of all activities towards the implementation of priority environmental projects and a more efficient utilisation of resources.

In recognition of its environmental efforts, in November 2007 the Group won the illustrious Deloitte Green Frog Award for the best environmental and sustainability report.