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Electricity supply

In a highly competitive environment, it is important to choose an electricity supply that best fits your industry. Here at Alpiq we can help you configure your electricity supply to best suit your business, by combining fixed or indexed price schemes, enabling you to manage risks both effectively and flexibly. It all comes down to a solution that is tailored to meeting your energy needs.

Why not ask us about our long-term PPA solutions?

Alpiq, electricity supply for industrial customers

At Alpiq we offer you a power supply that covers all key areas, based on our wide experience, with specialists in all fields and at highly demanding quality levels. In addition to our permanent advice service, we grant our customers access to all information regarding the services they receive (measures, market data, settlements) via our website, so you can monitor these, at any time, at your own convenience.

Fixed price

What we provide

  • Supply period: from 1 to 3 years
  • Fixed price
  • No power consumption restrictions

Your benefits

  • A fixed price, avoiding the possibility of changes in strategic supply costs for your company
  • A renewable energy option, for a minor additional charge
  • Monitor your power consumption via the Internet, from data provided by the distributor
  • Updates on the power supply market, available on the internet
  • Access via the web to your monthly invoices

PassThrough Multiclick

What we provide

  • Supply period: from 1 to 3 years
  • Price indexed against developments on the market
  • No power consumption restrictions

Your benefits

  • Indexed pricing that efficiently follows developments on the market, in a way that is transparent to you the customer
  • A renewable energy option, for a minor additional charge
  • Actively manage your risks with insurance cover of your physical power supply
  • Monitor your power consumption via the Internet, from data provided by the distributor
  • Updates on the power supply market, available on the internet
  • Access via the web to your monthly invoices

PassPool Multiclick

What we provide

  • Supply period: from of 1 to 3 years
  • Prices indexed against developments on the market, with fixed adjustment services
  • No power consumption restrictions

Your benefits

  • Indexed pricing that efficiently follows developments on the market, in a way that is transparent to you the customer, but without sudden tariff adjustment shocks
  • A renewable energy option, for a minor additional charge
  • Actively manage your risks with insurance cover of your physical power supply
  • Monitor your power consumption via the internet, from data provided by the distributor
  • Updates on the power supply market, available on the internet
  • Access via the web to your monthly invoices