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Electro-intensive consumers: how to access subsidies in Spain

Subsidies for electro-intensive consumers are part of the European Green Deal and are available to companies, regardless of size, with an annual electricity consumption of more than 1 GWh. The subsidies represent up to 85% of the amount charged by the system.

Electro-Intensive Consumer certification

Consumers looking to access the aid provided for in Royal Decree 1106/2020 of 15 December, must have electro-intensive consumer certification, granted by the General Secretariat of Industry after verifying, among other things, the following: 

  • Electricity consumption must have equalled or exceeded 1 GWh in at least 2 of the last 3 years. All electricity use, including self-consumption, is included in the calculation.

  • 50% of consumption must have taken place during off-peak hours.

  • Consumers must have one of the NACE classifications specified in the annex to the statute. 

  • The ratio between consumption and Gross Value Added (GVA*) must have been higher than 1.5 kWh/€ in at least 2 of the 3 years prior to the certification request. 

  • The company owning the supply point must be lawfully established in accordance with applicable regulations. 

Alpiq – your energy expert in Spain

Alpiq is a Swiss company, an energy producer in several European countries and a leading provider of energy services. Alpiq is an international energy trader operating in the main European markets with extensive experience in the fields of origination, flexibility as well as optimisation and management of renewable assets. It also has a high credit rating. Having already concluded long-term supply agreements with producers in Spain for an annual volume of more than 650 GWh in managed energy, we now offer our experience, reliability and solvency in this type of transactions to electro-intensive consumers.