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Our electricity trading products for a secure electricity supply

There must be a balanced volume of electricity available around the clock and it must be traded on the European electricity markets in the best possible manner. The sale and procurement requires a flexible portfolio and dynamic sourcing and hedging. With our electricity trading products, you gain the necessary flexibility, hedge your portfolio against price fluctuation risks, and increase the profitability of your energy procurement or production.

Individual and flexible supply solutions

Thanks to our versatile hydropower portfolio, we can offer you comprehensive flexibility with which you can balance short-term and long-term electricity surpluses or shortages flexibly and cost-effectively. In addition, we are active for you as portfolio manager or trade partner on all relevant physical and financial electricity markets. Profit from Alpiq's 24/7 electricity trading transactions and use our products to optimise your portfolio or generate additional revenue. We design our solutions upon request – individual and custom-made. Get in touch with us.

Standard electricity trading

What we provide

  • Acquisition of basic load, peak, and off-peak electricity
  • Price spreads between market regions
  • European and Asian standard options
  • Prices in Euro or local currencies

Your benefits

  • Access to European trading and power plant portfolios with a large share of hydropower
  • Trading at current and competitive market prices
  • Low fees
  • Fast reaction times

Structured electricity trading

What we provide

  • Individual analysis of your delivery and procurement options
  • Procurement of basic load, peak, and off-peak electricity at non-liquid delivery periods
  • Electricity delivery in quarter-hour intervals
  • Indexed or fixed price structures
  • Europe-wide location and time swaps
  • Flexible and tailor-made wholesale and supply contracts

Your benefits

  • Customer-specific product design
  • Work with experienced traders
  • Fast reaction times
  • Offers and quotes for liquid and illiquid periods
  • Customer-specific delivery profiles and granularity, including for illiquid periods

Structured electricity trading with flexibility

What we provide

  • Contracts for the use of our virtual power plants (VPPc contracts) based on hydropower, gas, or renewable production
  • Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)
  • Possibility for intraday and day-ahead nominations

Your benefits

  • Customer-specific product design
  • Hedging against extreme price fluctuations
  • Possible short nominations period
  • Tailored granularity and delivery period

Flexible electricity trading

What we provide

  • Access to virtual storage, e.g. to secure supply for the winter
  • Virtual power solutions (VPS)
  • Diverse swing options
  • Coordination with individual risk preference and your needs

Your benefits

  • Reliable price hedging
  • Innovative diversification of your portfolio
  • Flexible delivery with fast reaction times

Ancillary Services

What we provide

  • Access to ancillary services markets all over Europe
  • Aggregation of your electricity production into a wide and secure portfolio
  • Optimisation of your electricity production
  • White label solutions

Your benefits

  • Profitable remuneration for providing electricity reserves
  • Increase the profitability of your plants

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