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Plana del Vent gas-fired combined cycle power plant

Located in Vandellós, approximately 130 km southwest of Barcelona, Plana del Vent Unit 2 is a combined cycle power plant equipped with a 400 MW module. The module is comprised of a gas turbine, a heat recovery steam generator and a steam turbine. Thanks to its total capacity of 423 MW, Plana del Vent can supply electricity to cover the annual consumption of 140,000 households.

The plant was commissioned in 2007. Alpiq acquired one of the units in 2011 from Naturgy (formerly Gas Natural Fenosa).

Plana del Vent is a highly productive and flexible plant, capable of supplying energy at times when the power grid needs it. Although the low level electricity demand that Spain has experienced in recent years has led to low usage of the country's combined cycle power plants, Plana del Vent has made a decisive contribution to network stability and ensured supply at times when it has been needed, particularly when there have been surges in electrical demand or overloading on the grid.

The knowledge acquired by Alpiq in running and commercially managing this plant, particularly in the ancillary services markets, enables Alpiq to offer these services to other power producers that own their own plants, optimising their modes of operation and of distributing power to different markets, thereby maximising value creation.

Plana del Vent meets the highest health & safety, environmental and quality standards, as is proven by international ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certificates, in line with the relevant regulations and guidelines.

This plant contributes to wealth generation in its vicinity, creating 37 direct jobs and up to 200 indirect and secondary jobs. Alpiq also works in cooperation with the Vandellós Council in promoting social initiatives in the town.

Facts & figures

Plant type:

Gas-fired combined cycle power plant


Vandellós, Spain

Number of turbines:

1 gas turbines (GE PG9371-FB), 1 steam turbines (GE A15)


423 MW


100 %



Average annual production:

532 GWhe

Guided tours:



In service


ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001